
Doctors are just a call away.

Fees- Varies across the specialization.

Rs 500 to 1000

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gray HTC Android smartphone
Welcome to, your trusted destination for teleconsultation services. In today's post-COVID world, teleconsultation has emerged as a convenient and efficient way to access healthcare services. With its numerous advantages for both patients and healthcare providers, teleconsultation has become increasingly popular, and is proud to offer this convenient option to our valued patients.

Teleconsultation offers unparalleled convenience, allowing patients to consult with doctors from the comfort of their own homes. No more waiting rooms or long commutes to the doctor's office – with teleconsultation, you can connect with a qualified healthcare professional with just a few clicks.

At, we have assembled a panel of specialists covering a wide range of medical disciplines. Whether you need to consult with a primary care physician, a specialist in cardiology, dermatology, psychiatry, or any other field, we have you covered. Our team of experienced doctors is dedicated to providing high-quality care and personalized attention to each and every patient.

Teleconsultation also offers benefits for healthcare providers and hospitals. By leveraging telemedicine technology, doctors can efficiently manage their schedules and see more patients throughout the day. Hospitals can also optimize their resources and reach a wider patient base by offering teleconsultation services.

At, we prioritize patient convenience, accessibility, and quality of care. Our teleconsultation platform is secure, user-friendly, and HIPAA-compliant, ensuring that your confidential medical information remains protected at all times.

Whether you're dealing with a minor ailment, seeking a second opinion, or managing a chronic condition, teleconsultation offers a convenient and effective way to access the care you need. Don't let distance or busy schedules stand in the way of your health – schedule a teleconsultation with today and experience the future of healthcare. Now take charge of your health in your own hands.